No residencies available with current selection. try modifying your search.

Check in {{accomInfo.checkInDate}}
Check Out {{accomInfo.checkOutDate}}
{{}} Adults
{{accomInfo.children}} Children

Select a room


From NZD {{classification.price}} per night
Enquire Only


  • Available
  • Booked
  • Your selected dates
  • Special / Available
Rates are not available for some of the selected dates. Continuing to book this date will result in a request and we will email you back to advise the status

Your Booking

{{accomInfo.checkInDateLabel}} Check In Date required.



X Remove Selection

Price NZD {{selectedCalendarDate.totalClassificationPrice}}

There are no current rooms selected. To make a booking, select from the available dates for your preferred accommodation.

The minimum stay for {{ }} is {{classification.nights }} nights.

Total NZD {{bookingReceipt.totalCurrencyPrice}}


{{accomInfo.checkInDateLabel}} Check In Date required.



X Remove Selection

Price NZD {{selectedCalendarDate.totalClassificationPrice}}

There are no current rooms selected. To make a booking, select from the available dates for your preferred accommodation.

The minimum stay for {{ }} is {{classification.nights }} nights.

Total NZD {{bookingReceipt.totalCurrencyPrice}}
You have chosen non-consecutive days, please adjust your booking. To book non-consecutive days, please make two separate bookings
You have chosen non-consecutive days, please adjust your booking. To book non-consecutive days, please make two separate bookings

Drive More Direct Bookings in 2024

6 Ways to Drive More Direct Bookings in 2024: Own Your Guest Experience

In today's travel landscape, guests expect a personalised connection, especially with smaller hosted accommodation. They want to book directly with properties that understand their needs and offer a seamless experience. While OTAs (Online Travel Agencies) offer convenience and are a valid strategy, they can also chip away at your profits so we always recommend that your main marketing strategy is to drive commission-free bookings direct to you. 

Here are 6 ways you can drive more direct bookings in 2024:

1. Craft a Compelling Website

We can't understate how important your website and visual brand is for creating a positive first impression, and to guide potential guests in an effortless way to making a booking. In 2024 this is still one of the most important investments you can make as a marketing tool. It's now mandatory to ensure you include the following:

  • Visual Appeal: High-quality photos and virtual tours showcase your property's unique charm.
  • Mobile & User-Friendly Design: Ensure a smooth booking experience on any device. Book Now buttons should be accessible and bold.
  • User-Friendly Booking Engine: Guests shouldn't get lost in a maze of clicks, it needs to be quick and easy to complete the booking process.
  • Live availability & instant confirmation: Travellers in 2024 don't want to wait around for you to respond to a booking request - it must be instant to prevent them from booking elsewhere.


2. Offer Direct Booking Incentives

Offer packages and special deals for guests to book directly with you. Use seasons, special occasions and holidays to plan a calendar of offers. 

  • Book Direct Pricing. Offer the best price to book direct and promote this on your website, these bookings are commission-free so you have more leeway to move the price.
  • Added Value Incentives. Provide incentives such as complimentary breakfast, an airport transfer, or a room upgrade to guests who book directly with you.
  • Add a Badge to Your Website. That says Book direct & save and links to your booking system..

3. Embrace the Power of Email Marketing

Retain customer email addresses and use email marketing to keep in touch with potential and existing guests. Capturing new bookings from previous guests is considerably easier than gaining new customers Don't usually get repeat customers? Then email addresses are good to encourage referrals to friends and family, and valuable for creating lookalike audiences on social media.  Sending regular emails with updates and segmented offers is an extremely effective way to drive more direct bookings. 

  • Segmentation is Key: Craft targeted emails for past guests, new subscribers, and special interest groups.
  • Personalised Touches: Address guests by name and highlight their past preferences.
  • Exclusive Offers: Incentivise direct bookings with discounts or special packages.
  • Don't always get customer email addresses? (for example for bookings that come via OTAs). Be sure to capture your guest email addresses by requesting it at checkin or checkout.

4. SEO: Get Found Online

You need to ensure your website is found easily through search engines and platforms that drive traffic to your website.

  • Optimise Your Website: Target relevant keywords for your target audience to ensure your property shows up in search results.
  • Local & Destination Listings: Claim and maintain your property Google Business Profile and other relevant destination platforms.
  • Guest Reviews: Encourage your customers to leave reviews on your website, in a post-stay email and on third-party review sites like Tripadvisor and Google Business. Did you know over 95% of people check reviews before booking? High ratings and positive reviews will improve your online reputation and encourage direct bookings. Don't forget to respond promptly to feedback.
  • Online Travel Agent Listing: Sound conflicting? Actually, 72% of OTA visitors click on an accommodation providers website seeking more detailed information, so it's an effective way to get website traffic and then entice them to book direct with a better price offer.


5. Personalise the Guest Journey

For todays travellers, the personal touches go a long way to converting more bookings.

  • AI Chatbots: Provide 24/7 support and booking assistance on your website with an AI-powered chatbot that can personalise answers to the user.
  • Loyalty Programs: Reward repeat guests with exclusive perks and benefits.
  • Personal Guest Services: Offer to customise their stay with pre-booked activities, special meal/breakfast requests, restaurant recommendations.

6. Become a Social Media Butterfly

Use social media platforms that suit your target market to promote your property, share updates, and engage with your followers. For small hosted accommodation it will likely be Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, and for backpackers try including TikTok as a platform.

  • Go Beyond Picturesque Posts: Engage your audience with local recommendations, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and interactive polls.
  • Targeted Audience: Tailor your content to specific demographics and interests.
  • Special Offers: Run exclusive promotions for social media followers.



By implementing these strategies, you can build stronger guest relationships, increase brand loyalty, and ultimately drive more direct bookings. Remember, in 2024, it's about offering a personalised and convenient experience that keeps guests coming back directly to you.


Posted by Website Admin on April 05, 2024