No residencies available with current selection. try modifying your search.

Check in {{accomInfo.checkInDate}}
Check Out {{accomInfo.checkOutDate}}
{{}} Adults
{{accomInfo.children}} Children

Select a room


From NZD {{classification.price}} per night
Enquire Only


  • Available
  • Booked
  • Your selected dates
  • Special / Available
Rates are not available for some of the selected dates. Continuing to book this date will result in a request and we will email you back to advise the status

Your Booking

{{accomInfo.checkInDateLabel}} Check In Date required.



X Remove Selection

Price NZD {{selectedCalendarDate.totalClassificationPrice}}

There are no current rooms selected. To make a booking, select from the available dates for your preferred accommodation.

The minimum stay for {{ }} is {{classification.nights }} nights.

Total NZD {{bookingReceipt.totalCurrencyPrice}}


{{accomInfo.checkInDateLabel}} Check In Date required.



X Remove Selection

Price NZD {{selectedCalendarDate.totalClassificationPrice}}

There are no current rooms selected. To make a booking, select from the available dates for your preferred accommodation.

The minimum stay for {{ }} is {{classification.nights }} nights.

Total NZD {{bookingReceipt.totalCurrencyPrice}}
You have chosen non-consecutive days, please adjust your booking. To book non-consecutive days, please make two separate bookings
You have chosen non-consecutive days, please adjust your booking. To book non-consecutive days, please make two separate bookings

Marketing Packages

ResBook is backed by expertise from an experienced tourism marketing team. With a focus on delivering digital marketing and tourism themed websites, we can partner with you to help grow your tourism business and drive bookings!

Customer review from Ranginui Retreat

"We turned to ResBook because the team offered both a well-proven reservation system, and an opportunity to use their skills to develop and implement an initial social media marketing plan for our small luxury lodge.

Given we literally started from scratch as a brand new boutique luxury lodge we have been super pleased with the outcome. The results speak for themselves, and we have had more people stay with us since we started on 1 September 2022 than we ever dreamed would be the case."

Rob & Susie - Ranginui Retreat

Packages designed to boost your marketing & bookings!

Packages for marketing services with clear deliverables and cost is a great way to provide you with certainty upfront. That’s why at ResBook we have developed a suite of brand and digital marketing ‘packages’ with a clear list of inclusions, no surprises! Browse the marketing packages below and get in touch if you would like to chat.